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When I gave birth to my first child, the lack of support, compassion and community for new mothers and families shocked me. I knew then birth work was for me and since 2012 I have supported hundreds of families navigate their parenthood journeys. I am so happy you have found me here as I can't wait to support you too!

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My Story

As a mother of 6, and married to a Norwegian, I understand firsthand how complex, beautiful, intense, challenging and rewarding family-life can be. I can help you create positive and empowering experiences by providing guidance, information, helpful tools and encouragement, so you can feel empowered and confident in your new role.  


I am not a medical care provider, but work closely with other professionals to ensure you have access to a large network of people who can holistically support your medical needs. I am also trained in pregnancy and postpartum massage, Spinning Babies, babywearing, cloth nappies and elimination communication as well as providing support and education with all aspects of infant feeding.  


I support all types of birth for all types of people. Flexible, customisable, compassionate and passionate are core pillars of my work. Your journey is unique to you, and you deserve care and support based on your individual wants, needs and situation. No cookie cutter service here!


You can contact me at any point during your parenting journey. Whether you are still in the planning phase, a day away from giving birth or anytime during your postpartum and we can create a support plan to suit your needs.


Please get in touch if you would like to learn more about the support I can offer or if you are interested in my schedule for 2022/2023!



I can't wait to learn more about you!

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